Saturday, March 27, 2010


So I have officially moved into a rent house with two of my amazing friends! I love it! Unpacking boxes, getting organized, and decorating has been somewhat difficult! :) Takes a lot of time I guess! Anyway, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, small yard, kitchen, living room, laundry room, for me! Playing loud music, singing and dancing with the new roomates. Favorite!
Now I can say, had a couple of my youth girls over to spend the night and that was interesting! They have more energy then anyone I have ever seen! Eating a lot of pizza, fudge bars, and popcorn. Yet, I must say out of everything, spending time just talking with them is my favorite!
These girls have a heart of gold! They tend to put on a face and pretend that I dont know what is going on, but I do. :) I love hearing them talk about the new Bible verses they have found and the ones they have memorized. I love watching the girls play sports, like basketball and softball. One thing that I admire most is their desire to reach out to their teams. Before every game they stop and read a Bible verse, then pray. It makes me tear up! I love it!
One of my favorite quotes I heard at super summer a few years ago was, "Dont Hesitate". We would write DH on our wrists so that we could see it all the time. This would be a reminder for ourselves and others to not hesitate in sharing Christ with anyone. That is one thing I love about the youth girls, they do not hestitate! So proud of them.
My house has been a blessing from God. He opened the door and we walked through. I am praying that we will be able to use our house as a blessing to others, especially the youth and college students that we meet. This house is a reminder that God does open doors, we just have to be patient and wait for the right one.
The pictures at the top are some pictures we took as roomates today in the wind! It was a blast!
I will post some pictures of the house later!

1 comment:

  1. FUN! I love the pics of the roommates.. such pretty girls! God is going to continue to bless you as you minister to these girls. Love you friend.
