Friday, July 30, 2010

Everlasting Cold...

I have not been writing any posts lately but I would like to get back with it so that is my plan! Starting now :)

I have had this overwhelming, frustrating cold for about a week. Let's just say I have tried many medicines and nothing works! I finally found a new one that I will try today, we will see if it works! I avoid the doctor at all costs! Reason #1- i hate the way the doctor's office smells, Reason #2- i hate people taking my temp, vitals and all that touchy stuff (lol), Reason #3- my copay is $50!! So i have decided to deal with this cold on my own, which could be the reason that i still have it! :) But seriously? $50, i could pay other bills with that, save it for later uses or get my hair cut!! So i would rather avoid the smell, the touchy stuff and the money!
I call this cold my "Everlasting Cold" because it is probably the longest cold that I have ever had. It is hauting me and wont go away! Kind of like those commercials that you hate that interupt your show and play over and over and over. It is kind of like that! lol I guess i will learn my lesson about going to the doctor though, maybe i will cave...maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. yay for a new blog! and boo for a cold. i like the background of your blog... its my favorite weather.
