Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Found out that my cousin Anthony is having surgery right now to get a new valve placed in his heart. This is a very scary procedure and my family is really nervous about it. Please say a prayer that God will protect him, comfort his family and our family, and that he would guide the hands of the doctors working on him. I know that God knows what is best. That God has a plan and he will protect him, i am having faith. It is hard though, fear creaps in and tries to take over. It causes us to doubt, to stray from what God wants from us and to sometimes cause us to run. That is why God specifically says in Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
I am going to admit right here and now that it is hard for me. It is not easy to just trust and have faith that things will be okay. I tend to do a good job about putting on a face and making everyone think I am alright. But I have struggles just as much as the next person. That is why I put this as my status on facebook earlier:
"Treat everyone better than they deserve, because everyone is fighting their own battles.' No one has it all together, no one is perfect, we all have struggles, including me. that is why because of Christ, we should become selfless and be a living example and support for the people around us."

Growing up in a christian home and knowing right from wrong is a good thing. Yet, i have learned that instead of becoming passionate I become judegmental. Judgemental of myself and judegmental of others. No one has it all together, it is easy to pretend that we do. I have had to learn that being concerned for others isnt the same as pointing out their faults. We as christians have to learn how to step out of the box of looking at everything that is done wrong, and looking at the things that are done right. But before we can even look at anyone else we have to look at ourselves. We have to see if we are being the kind of example for others that we need to be. Are we saying the right things, acting the right way, giving up enough?
I know for me it has just been an easy fly by and do what I need to do, not a passion. But that will change.

One of my friends just got back from boot camp working so hard. She gave up everything to follow what she felt God wanted her to do. What would this look like for me? What have I given up to follow what God wants for me? I dont know that right now I have an answer for that. It is hard to know that so many people will drop many things, or completely step out of their comfort zone to do what God wants for us and yet we complain that going to church on Sunday morning and Wednesday is too much for us. Or we complain about others around us who arent exactly the way we want them to be. Why dont we take some time to look at who we are.
Surrender does not by definition mean-give up what you want to give up. It means- give up EVERYTHING.

I ask that you would open my heart. I ask that you would show me what I need to do to follow you. I ask that you would take away my selfishness and give me a selfless attitude. Please help me to have a passion and not just a routine of living for you. I ask that you would help us all to see how the faith that we have can make a difference. Give us the strength to step out of our comfort zones and be willing to be open and to be broken. Please be with my cousin Anthony that you would protect him and comfort him. Please guide the hands of the doctors that they would know exactly what to do. i love you with all that i am and all that i will ever be.

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