Friday, August 20, 2010

Wednesday Worship

I didnt have a chance to post on Wednesday night or Thursday morning but I wanted to put up a little update about youth on Wednesday. It was a blast and we had about 60 students! I am so excited that it is growing quickly! Our youth are doing a great job reaching out and being a good influence on others. I am so proud of them!
I had to help lead a couple marshmellow games, they were...hilarious.
The first one, one of our youth Madi had to drop a broom on plates laying on the edge of a table with marshmellows on plates. The marshmellow would fly through the air and she had to catch it a plastic cup. It was so fun to watch her! She actually caught 2 in her cup within a min. I think Craig our youth minister got the idea from some new show about win it in minutes or something.
The second game was catching marshmellows in the kids mouths. Two youth were chosen to stand at the front and throw marshmellows to their team on their side and whoever could have their teamates catch 5 in their mouths first won. It was so fun to watch them try to catch them!
These games are like ice breakers that allow some of the new kids to break out of their shells and get involved. Not too mention, they just make you laugh!!

My favorite part of the whole night was worship. my brother helps lead worship on Wednesday nights with some friends. They did a great job! They do a great job every week! I am so proud of them. Wednesday the worship was really an amazing time for me to just shut everything out and focus. We sang a song called "Open Skies" which i LOVE. The words are amazing! If i can find the lyrics I will post them. It was great to just stand in the back and watch the youth worship. One of my favorite things is to watch youth worship. Some of our younger girls have really stepped up to be an example. I teach 7th grade sunday school and a bunch of my girls went to super summer this year. They came back completely changed, its amazing. The talked about how easy it was to worship and lift their hands at super summer because everyone was doing it. At home in youth it is more intimidating because not many people do and they didnt want to feel as if they were being watched or glared at because of it. I told the girls that worship and lifting your hands is not about the people around you, it is about you and God. Their focus has completely changed and every week I get the priviledge of standing in the back watching my youth girls raise their hands, close their eyes and sing to their Lord. i love it.

I think this has become a challenge to me to step out of my comfort zone and be a leader myself. Sometimes it is intimidating to stand firm and do what you feel is right. I of all people should know because when i worship, i have a problem of not being able to stand still! lol
I love to tap my foot, sing loud, raise my hands and close my eyes. I dont do this because I want everyone to see me or anything, i do it because that is my time with my God that loves me unconditionally and i love it! I challenge us as adults to step out of our comfort zones and be willing to allow God to work in our worship and in our lives. No matter what it takes.

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